App Submitted for Review
After changing the overall colour and adding some minor changes, I finally clicked that legendary “Submit for Review” button that I have always been dreaming to press.
Like any other apps, this submission does not mark the end of this app, but instead it is a new beginning, opening to the whole world to rate, review and criticize. As it receives more feedback, it will be updated and improved. Here is a nice little email I received from a sender labeled as “iTunes Store”.
As a first timer, I am really excited to see what kind of feedbacks will I be getting from Apple’s app reviewers, regardless of the outcome of the submission. For those of you who received TestFlight invite for version 1.1 build 5, the submitted version simply is build 6, which only includes the change from a “Universal” app to an “iPhone” app, because the app’s auto-layout works poorly on iPads, for now.