As a young programming language, Swift changes frequently. It often brings us new features and deprecates old syntax. Sometimes when you run into an online IDE like LeetCode, HackerRank or Online Swift Playgrounds, you will often wonder: which version of Swift am I working with here? Well, look no further. This buddy on Stack Overflow uses a programmatic approach to determine the Swift version, quite cleverly. I’ve included the code below. 

Interestingly, actually has the version number printed as soon as the IDE is initialized. Kudos for them!

#if swift(>=5.2) print(“Hello, Swift 5.2”)

#elseif swift(>=5.1) print(“Hello, Swift 5.1”)

#elseif swift(>=5.0) print(“Hello, Swift 5.0”)

#elseif swift(>=4.2) print(“Hello, Swift 4.2”)

#elseif swift(>=4.1) print(“Hello, Swift 4.1”)

#elseif swift(>=4.0) print(“Hello, Swift 4.0”)

#elseif swift(>=3.2) print(“Hello, Swift 3.2”)

#elseif swift(>=3.0) print(“Hello, Swift 3.0”)

#elseif swift(>=2.2) print(“Hello, Swift 2.2”)

#elseif swift(>=2.1) print(“Hello, Swift 2.1”)

#elseif swift(>=2.0) print(“Hello, Swift 2.0”)

#elseif swift(>=1.2) print(“Hello, Swift 1.2”)

#elseif swift(>=1.1) print(“Hello, Swift 1.1”)

#elseif swift(>=1.0) print(“Hello, Swift 1.0”)
